
Peace is the Victim of Semantic Terrorism

In Israeli politics, the word “peace” has become poison. “Political settlement” is the vogue term. It is meant to say the same. But of...

A Case for English

Language lives through the people who use it.. It’s an ever-evolving phenomenon, changing with the times. Like a river, it is unstoppable and endless, taking...

Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Road Ahead

A successful political and peaceful transition in Afghanistan has to result from more than a fair election DR MALEEHA LODHI The relatively peaceful presidential election and...

Last of the Oslo Accord Architects Dead

US President Bill Clinton with Palestinian and Israeli leaders on the White House lawns in 1993. Ron Pundak was the last surviving architects of...

Israel Targets Fundamental Freedoms

STEPHEN LENDMAN Numerous Knesset bills compromise speech, assembly, association and dissent. Israel’s free press is endangered. Palestine is ruthlessly targeted. The Palestinian Center for Development and...
