Jamiat's Uttar Pradesh secretary Qari Zakir Husain Qasmi said: "We will not accept UCC. On Friday, imams before the namaz in mosques all over the country will address the community and speak about Uniform Civil Code (UCC).”
AGRA — The Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind is planning to hold ‘yaum-e- dua’ (prayer day) on Friday for peace and unity over the UCC issue.
Local community groups, clerics and imams of mosques have been asked to hold the “special prayers” in their respective areas.
“We are going to hold ‘yaum-e-dua’ to pray for peace and unity,” said Hakimuddin Qasmi, general secretary of Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind.
Jamiat’s Uttar Pradesh secretary Qari Zakir Husain Qasmi said: “We will not accept UCC. On Friday, imams before the namaz in mosques all over the country will address the community and speak about UCC.”
A local imam said on Wednesday: “Clerics have directed us to mention UCC before the Friday prayers and we are making our preparations for it.”
The Jamiat is also considering taking up the UCC matter with President Droupadi Murmu and also plans to write to all the Chief Ministers and leaders of opposition parties.
Qasmi further said that their working committee meeting took place where several decisions regarding UCC have been taken.
“At the meeting, it was also decided that public demonstrations should be avoided. People from different walks of life will be invited to programmes and events on the subject at the central and state levels.” — IANS