Dr APJ Abdul Kalam
Always wondered whether littlePeople may be called “great”,Those who live and dieWithout ever coming into the publicEye—noble to the core inEvery sort of menial chore.Or must greatness of necessityInvolve the conquest of landAnd leverage, through swordOr subterfuge, or cunningDeployment of the beguilingWord, leaving behind the claimsOf the yellowed page. Can thoseWho simply wish well and remainMindful of such whose storiesFew scribes or or eulogists will tellEver be designated “great”, exceptIn a sort of politic flourishAmong the media, where theRottenest may allude to the “greatPeople of India” etcetera IsIt so impossible to marry greatPurpose to a lived ordinarinessAnd throb of empathy? PerhapsNot: think of a Kalam or a Gandhi.