Stephen Lendman

Palestinians Paying the Price for US/Israeli Imperial Arrogance

During a Friday Security Council meeting, all members except America strongly criticized Trump’s move – none intending actions against it, none supporting Palestinian rights...

UN Rapporteur on Palestine Calls for Economic Sanctions on Israel

Strong words from the UN report and Lynk. Much more of the same is needed, a constant drumbeat of criticism, highlighting Israel’s ruthless practices,...

Israel’s War on Palestinian Media Freedom

STEPHEN LENDMAN | Caravan Daily Israeli military censorship prohibits publishing anything about IDF high crimes against peace and daily persecution of Palestinians. Legitimate peaceful Palestinian demonstrations are...

ACLU v. Trump Regime Constitutional Violations

Targeting nonviolent, law-abiding DisruptJ20 activists engaged in constitutionally protected rights is a shot across the bow against all outspoken Trump agenda critics, potentially threatening...

Massacre in Raqqa

Stephen Lendman | Caravan Daily Defenseless civilians in Raqqa are being massacred daily by US terror-bombing. According to the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria “intensification of air...


