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Unite Against Fascism, Protest Bulldozer Raj: CPI (ML)-New Democracy

Team Clarion

NEW DELHI — Calling the bulldozer the latest symbol of fascism under which the very concept of India is being crushed, the left-leaning party said, “The RSS-BJP Government is working overtime to foreclose the democratic space which was opened by historic farmers’ movement against three black agricultural Acts and electricity Bill.”

Condemning the demolition of Muslim properties in UP as also in other parts of the country and calling them patently illegal, the CPI (ML)-New Democracy, a left-leaning outfit, said the action of the administration has been expected after the assembly elections of February-March 2022. In a press release, the party described the demolition action as part of the ruling RSS-BJP dispensation’s fascist campaign to crush dissent under the jackboots of security forces.
The release reads: “They have widened the scope of their campaign to disturb and destroy the economic life of a section of the citizenry – Muslims. The attack is no longer confined to incarcerating people in prisons on trumped-up charges, unleashing police brutality including killing in firing, denying semblance of democratic rights. These measures continue and are intensified while the ambit is enlarged to destroy their property and means of livelihood. This is aimed at terrorising the entire community,” reads the release.  
Calling the bulldozer the latest symbol of fascism under which the very concept of India is being crushed, the release said, “The RSS-BJP Government is working overtime to foreclose the democratic space which was opened by historic farmers’ movement against three black agricultural Acts and electricity Bill.”
It further said that through their actions, the fascist forces have asserted their right to destroy the means of livelihood and places to live of those who dare challenge their communal fascist agenda using illegal constructions as a ruse. It is the administration run by the RSS-BJP combine that has the power to decide what an illegal construction is.
The CPI-ML New Democracy links the actions to an agenda to crush the very right to dissent even if it means to undermine the constitution of the country. The outfit sees a fascist pattern in linking the right to livelihood and shelter with the right to protest. In their eagerness to crush dissent, the administration is falsely implicating the activists who had participated in the people’s protests against CAA-NRC-NPR. This is being deliberately done to punish them for daring to raise their voice against the government.
It cites the example of AIKMS General Secretary Comrade Ashish Mital. He was falsely named as a participant in the protest In Prayagraj (earlier Allahabad), on 10 June 2022 and senior police officials have charged him and others for instigating violence. The police and the administration did not hide that this is being done to punish him for supporting protests against CAA-NRC-NPR. This is being done with scant regard to facts e.g. Com.
Ashish had been in the court the whole day having been summoned for the threat of breach of peace and the administration has been well aware of this. Properties of so-called masterminds of protests in Prayagraj and Saharanpur have been demolished. They also displayed their patriarchal attitude when they demolished the house in Prayagraj to punish an activist though the house belonged to his wife.  
Bulldozer raj marks the new phase of the rule of fascists and UP has emerged as the advanced laboratory for their Hindutva, Gujarat being the first laboratory of RSS-BJP. It is noteworthy here that the higher judiciary is not being seen as doing enough to protect people’s rights under the Constitution and laws of the land. It is especially significant as these attacks are being launched in the name of enforcing laws and regulations.  
The CPI (ML)-New Democracy called on all political parties and organisations and individuals to unite to oppose this brutal attack on the minorities, especially Muslims. It calls for intensification of the struggle of different sections of people to safeguard their interests from the attacks from the fascist rulers.

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