Ghaziababd Journalist Shot by Goons Dies in Hospital


Journalist Vikram Joshi of Uttar Pradesh.

Clarion India

NEW DELHI — Journalist Vikram Joshi who was shot in the head by a gang of goons on Monday succumbed to his wounds on Wednesday morning at a hospital in Ghaziabad, a city in Uttar Pradesh and a part of the National Capital Region of Delhi.

His two daughters witnessed the attack on Joshi who was admitted to Yashoda Hospital.

Media reports said the police had arrested nine people in connection with the incident and a police constable who was in charge of a police post located close to the site of crime had been suspended.

The incident took place in Vijay Nagar area near Joshi’s home. A CCTV footage doing rounds on social media shows Joshi and his two daughters on a motorcycle when he is waylaid by the gang of five to six men who are seen first beating the scribe and then shooting in the head.

Joshi had reportedly filed a complaint in the police a few days ago against three men Chhotu, Ravi and Akash Bihari alleging that they were harassing his niece. The FIR also says the trio had threatened to kill Joshi.

Speaking with news agency ANI, Joshi’s nephew Ashish said the “son of Kamaluddin” shot the bullet and demanded the arrest of the gangsters.

The UP police have released ten names and claim to have nabbed nine of them while one is absconding, the ANI said in a tweet.

Reacting to the news of the attack on a journalist,  Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi posted a tweet terming it ‘shocking’.

He used the words ‘jungle raj’ to describe the law-and-order situation in Ghaziabad.

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