Stephen Lendman

Hate Mongering in America – Stepehen Lendman

While the demonization of Arabs and Muslims in Hollywood movies and political and media disourse has been going on for decades, with the new...

Palestinian Prisoners: Hunger-Striking for Liberation and Justice

Palestinian prisoners suffer out of sight, mind and public consciousness. World leaders able to help do nothing. Israeli crimes to grave to ignore go...


Martin Indyk is former AIPAC staffer. How can he remain objective and deliver as chief US peace talks negotiator between the Palestinians and Israelis? STEPHEN...

Palestinian Children’s Day 2014

STEPHEN LENDMAN In 1925, the World Conference for the Well-Being of Children first proclaimed a day to honor children. In 1954, it was universally established. Dozens...

Police State Ukraine

Hegemons stop at nothing for unchallenged power. How much Ukraine’s crisis escalates further remains to be seen. Global wars start this way  STEPHEN LENDMAN What kind of...


