Stephen Lendman

Israel Shuts Al-Aqsa Mosque Following Jerusalem Shooting Incident

Virtually always, Israel does what it pleases unaccountably – with full support and encouragement from Washington. Palestinian rights don’t matter, entirely lost under occupation...

UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine Blasts Israel

    STEPHEN LENDMAN | Caravan Daily How many years of illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine are too many? How long will the international community tolerate its vicious...

Jerusalem Blast: Terrorism or False Flag?

Israel’s long history of state terrorism raises strong suspicions about its possible responsibility for what happened. An unanswered question is why would alleged “terrorists”...

Fortress Israel Spurns Peace – Stephen Lendman

Zionist extremists and religious fanatics run Israel, a fascist police state by any standard. Peace is anathema, equity and justice for Palestinians verboten STEPHEN LENDMAN...

Daily Israeli State Terrorism

Stephen Lendman Israel is one of the world’s most ruthless rogue states, run by racists and fascists – a phantom democracy, one in name only. It’s...


