‘The Kerala Story’: Using Art to Propagate Hate

PROF RAM PUNIYANI  WHEN one hears about Kerala, the things that come to mind are a state whose residents live in peace and harmony, which has eradicated illiteracy,...

Banning Muslims Is No Solution to Terrorism, Mr President – Harun Yahya

Welcoming refugees is a crucial part of what America represents and values, a part of the American Dream that Trump promises to revive HARUN YAHYA...

What 2015 Has Got in Store for Us – Harun Yahya

The year 2014 teaches us is: Violence in the face of violence is leading the world to destruction. The means are wrong. The policy...

Fight ISIS Ignorance With True Light – Harun Yahya

Bombs, guns and missiles are no solution to the problem of extremism; they are just a means of spreading hatred.  It’s time to spread...

Can Killer Ebola Unite Humanity? – Harun Yahya

If urgent steps are not taken, it is very likely that the disease will spread all around the world. The consequences of this disease,...
