Unplanned Development Fuels Bhiwandi’s Blues

While international and Indian corporates invest billions of rupees in developing warehousing infrastructure, ordinary folk in the Muslim-majority city on the outskirts of Mumbai...

Former Haj Committee Chief Says Government Should Revive the Panel

The Indian government has initiated the move for online applications for Haj 2021, which is likely to see just about 35,000 people undertake the...

Shahrukh, Salman, Aamir Lead Bollywood Fightback Against Media Trial; File Suit against Republic, Times Now

  The plea wants the court to restrain the news channels from conducting media trials of Bollywood celebrities and interfering with their right to privacy Ashok...

Minority Concentrated District Hingoli Sees Massive Exploitation of Labour

The end of the monsoon usually sees men and women from the district heading to other parts of Maharashtra and the neighbouring states in...

Bhiwandi Govt Hospital Staff Extort Money from Poor Patients for Services That are Supposed to be Free

The sad story of a pregnant woman having to stand up to the staff at a government hospital, who refused to help her deliver...
