Arrest-Arnab Demand Trends on Twitter for Abusing Sonia Gandhi


Waquar Hasan | Clarion India

NEW DELHI – Controversial anchor and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) supporter Arnab Goswami, who has been accused of spreading hatred and bigotry through his channel Republic TV, is facing backlash on social media sites for his xenophobic comments against Congress President Sonia Gandhi.

In a prime time show on his Hindi TV channel Republic on Palghar lynching incident, the rightwing anchor thundered in a harsh tone: “I ask if those who were killed in Palghar were moulvis (Islamic clerics) or padri (Christian priests), then Sonia Gandhi, who hails from Italy, keep quiet.

Thumping his table, he said had the priest been murdered, Gandhi would not have kept quiet. “Gandhi would be happy with the incident and send the report to Italy that in the state where her party formed the government, sadhus were killed. And she would receive plaudits for this from Italy,” he conjectured.

The hate-filled video angered Congress supporters and others. Many Congress leaders including Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot slammed Arnab Goswami for his intemperate remarks. With many twitter users demanded his arrest for spreading hatred and communalism #ArrestAntiIndiaArnab was trending on Twitter.

Condemning the unwarranted attack on Gandhi, Gehlot asked Republic TV owner Rajeev Chandrasekhar to sack Goswami. “The attack on Mrs Sonia Gandhi by Arnab Goswami is highly condemnable. He has gone insane and crossed all limits, he should be ashamed of himself. I must ask the Editors’ Guild isn’t this journalism at an all-time low. Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar (owner of Republic TV) must sack him immediately,” tweeted Gehlot.

Sharing the video clip, Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala called it ‘journalism of filth’. “Deeply disgraceful that PM & BJP eulogize this brand of TV anchors,” he tweeted.

Former MP Udit Raj demanded arrest of Goswami and ban on his channel.

Congressman Srivastva said that Goswami was doing paid communal journalism and he demands his arrest.

There were others who joined the campaign to arrest Goswami over his communal and abusive journalism.

n the meantime, Maharashtra Minister Satej D Patil said his government was exploring legal options to take action against the anchor.

“Arnab Goswami has defamed INC President Hon. Sonia Gandhi Ji. He is also trying to incite communal hatred and trying to dismantle communal harmony in the society. The act is highly condemnable, and we are exploring all the legal options. Strict action will be taken,” tweeted Patil.

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