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War on Humanity: Gaza Tells Horrors of Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide

Children react as people gather next to the bodies of Palestinians, who were killed in Israeli strikes, at Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Gaza Strip. -- Reuters

Dr Mahboob A. Khawaja

The Making of Genocide on Screen

IS Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an egomaniac leader to Israelis? Most would question his delusional hold on power and demand his resignation but agree that he made Gaza inhabitable and delivered impunity from foreign dictates to the naked eyes of the conscientious world. To a rational observer, human understanding cannot be tempered with impunity for crimes against the civilian population. His arrest warrant by the ICC is often a puzzle as nobody would enforce its implementation. The latest report by Amnesty International confirms the ‘crime against humanity’ and genocide’ were committed by the Israeli forces in Gaza.

“Hell on Earth” – The UN Secretary-General warns the conscientious global community of appalling and catastrophic conditions in Gaza from all spectrums of reason with more than 44,000 civilians massacred, more than 100,355 injured, more than 16,000 children and women massacred and 16,000 or more women and children still buried under rubble and unaccounted for, and the rest of humanity under continuous bombardment by the Israeli war machines supported and aided by the US supplied weapons of mass destruction. Even the hospitals, places of worship, schools, graveyards and safe zones are not spared by the Israeli war machines. Israeli forces reportedly have dropped more bombs on Gaza than four Hiroshima nuclear bombs. International observers spell out the tragic events: words cannot describe the humanitarian calamities and sufferings of the besieged people of Gaza and the West Bank.

The Gaza genocide is happening alive on screen in daily media coverage because there are no Arab or Muslim leaders to challenge the Israeli myth of being a Middle East superpower. The Arab-Muslim leaders do not exist on this planet except after dinner jokes across the Western world. The Western institutions of peace, security and conflict management feel no obligation to protect the civilian population of Gaza because their ethnicity does not correspond to the Anglo-Saxon origin. If the original population of Gaza and West Bank-Palestine happened to be Jews or Christians, the bombing and destruction were unthinkable. “It is only wrongdoers stand as protectors – one to another, but God is the Protector of Righteous” clarifies the Divine message. (The Quran 45:19). Another clarification points out the truth: “We have not created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in sport: We have not created them but for a serious end. But the greater part of them do not understand it.” (The Quran 44:38). The professed animosity is against Islam and Palestinians and Israel spearheads the killing of civilians to end the freedom movement for an independent State of Palestine.

Chris Hedges and Peter Koenig (“The Horror, The Horror” in Gaza. Chris Hedges. What Is the UN Good for? Where Is the Human Rights Commission When It Is Needed? Global Research: 11/13/2023): ….. “The horror is of blood and shredded children. The horror is of thousands and thousands – tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands — dead bodies disintegrating in the rubbles of indiscriminately IDF-bombed hospitals, apartment buildings, mosques – you name it.” 

Ignoring the Israeli Crimes 

Evil happens when conscientious men do nothing. For me, the cataclysmic nature of human intellect is unleashing a highly irrational and unthinkable world of complexity to come to our consciousness destroying all progress and achievements of any human civilisation on this Earth. Is it not a conspiracy against humanity, Nature and our sustainable future on this planet? 

They claim to be peacemakers but horrors of war, pains and morally corrupt leadership practices show deception and inconsistency in policies and behaviours. Both the President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken deceived and misled the world with talks of a ceasefire plan since May 2024, and a ‘two-state solution’— all simply to buy time for Israel to put an end to life in Gaza and the freedom of Palestine. They found equally inept Arab-Muslim leaders to engage them in the fallacy of peacemaking and allow Israel to commit catastrophic crimes against Palestinian people. The US and Israeli leaders have unbridled ambitions and power, unleashing violent assumptions of hatred, secret intrigues, and animosities that overwhelm the daily thought processes of a society — a nation, no matter how “normal” it claims to be, cannot function as a normal entity when it mocks the originality of Palestinians and calls for “death to Arabs.” The Arab-Muslim leadership was complicit in making the genocide happen in Gaza.

Israeli leaders had planned long before the Gaza onslaught to populate the region with settlers and rob it of its natural resources. Felicity Arbhutant and Michel Chossudovsky (Video: Global Research:12/03/24),

explains: An official “secret” memorandum authored by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence recommended the forcible and permanent transfer of Gaza’s 2.2 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, specifically to a refugee camp in Egyptian territory.” Felicity Arbhutant clarifies: Netanyahu’s October 2023 declaration of war against 2.3 million people of the Gaza Strip is a continuation of its 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza under “Operation Cast Lead.” The underlying objective is the outright military occupation of Gaza by Israel’s IDF forces and the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland. I should however mention that there are powerful financial interests which stand to benefit from Israel’s criminal undertaking (Genocide) directed against Gaza…..“Israel is set to become a major exporter of gas and some oil, “If All Goes to Plan”. In the current context, Israel’s “All Goes to Plan” option consists of bypassing Palestine and “Wiping Gaza off the Map”, as well as confiscating ALL Gaza’s maritime offshore gas reserves, worth billions of dollars.

Proactive, Moral and Spiritual Leadership

Could Change the Emerging Dark Future

We, the People, We, the Humanity are equipped with incomparable knowledge and wisdom, and if we bomb and destroy the earth and its sustainability for life, then we negate our very existence as the intelligent beings responsible for protecting life and the sanctity of the Earth. We are capable of resolving problems through dialogue and peaceful means. But our professed ignorance and arrogance toward Divine Knowledge have pushed us toward evil and futility in a global cataclysm – the treacherous conflict at the epicentre of man-made destruction, driven by lingering suspicion toward others within this magnificent Universe. The Earth and the Universe are meant to support human beings and meet all their needs across time and space. Are we living in a disconnected world of our own making? The Message of the Quran (64:40, 67:40) clarifies the truth of universal brotherhood and wisdom for all the times to come:

It is God Who has made for you the Earth as a resting place and the sky as a canopy; and has given you shape and made your shapes beautiful, and has provided for your sustenance of things pure and good; such is God, your Lord. So Glory be to God, the Lord of the Worlds. He it is Who created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then from a leech-like clot, then He brings you out as a child. Then lets you grow and reach your full strength, and lets you become old — though some of you die before — and lets you reach an appointed term, so that you may learn wisdom.

Horrors of war against the innocent people of Gaza and irresistible belligerence of Israeli and American leaders must be stopped by reasoned convergence of global voices of reason for change and accountability for the crimes. While the US and Western European leaders offer lip service, canons of fairness demand equal treatment of both parties to the conflict. Palestinians are worthy of human dignity and rights as are the Israelis”, and “Two States – Israel and Palestine.” “Gaza: War on We, the People and Arab-Muslim’s Shame” 

We cannot abandon the search for a better and more rational world of systematic mechanisms to protect the peace and security of mankind on this planet. We, the People, We, the Humanity and conscientious thinkers and scholars must wake up to the immense sophisticated and technologically advanced challenges to disconnect us from the Nature of Things and to dehumanise us by global scenarios of ethnicities, nationalism, state borders and cultural superiorities and ruling class distinctions. William Godwin (Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and Its Influence on Modern Moral and Happiness, 1793), said it right:

Men of genius must rise up … .to analyse the machine of society to demonstrate how the parts are connected together… and point out the defects and remedy. It is thus only that important reforms can be produced…He who is a friend to general happiness will neglect no chance of producing in his pupil or his child, one of the long-looked-for saviours of the human race.


Dr Mahboob A. Khawaja specialises in international affairs — global security, peace and conflict resolution and has spent several academic years across the Russian-Ukrainian and Central Asian regions knowing the people, diverse cultures of thinking and political governance and a keen interest in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilisations.

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