The announcement of the (Deal of the century); is a logical result of a Zionist mentality that invests the weakness of the Arab region.
Dr Salim Nazzal
AFTER more than two years of preparation for the American initiative known as the Deal of the century, we have Trump, with proposals that will back away from everything that was decided by the international community throughout the past years. It reached a ridiculous level when the US foreign minister considers Jewish settlement as maintaining peace:
Trump’s plan finds its roots, as President Mahmoud Abbas said as a continuation of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 when Britain considered the Jewish majority in Palestine as a nation while depriving the majority of the indigenous people of the right to self-determination.
Senator Bernie Sanders said “Any acceptable peace deal must be consistent with international law and multiple UN resolutions,” Sanders added that “It must end the Israeli occupation and enable Palestinian self-determination in an independent state of their own alongside a secure Israel.” Trump’s so-called ‘peace deal’ doesn’t come close and will only perpetuate the conflict. It is unacceptable!
The policy of abolishing the right of the Palestinian people has deep roots in the American system, though with some minor changes sometimes taking place with previous administrations. Israeli analyst Gideon levy says that there was never conviction in the history of the Zionist state of giving the Palestinians the right to self-determination. This attitude continued with all right-wing governments and the left as well.
The Zionist project began to settle in Palestine in light of a strategic vision aimed at expelling the Palestinian people from their homeland, as happened in 1948 and putting the rest in a kind of Bantustan just as the racist regime in South Africa did with the natives.
The announcement of the (Deal of the century); is a logical result of a Zionist mentality that invests the weakness of the Arab region. Netanyahu saw it as a historic opportunity: in addition to unlimited American support and Europe’s inability from standing up to America except for some luminous statements such as the statement of the Swedish Foreign Minister who saw the proposals as depriving the rights to Palestinian people:
The odd thing is that Trump gave the Palestinian people four years to think about the project, and there has been no event in history that provides people with an opportunity to think four years about a political proposal. But why are the four years? It will be years of pressure on the Palestinian people with all political and economic pressure to reach an unbearable situation, which would force them to accept the American solution.
It will also be an opportunity for America and Israel to search for Palestinian agents who accept the American-Zionist solution. This means that the conflict of the hundred years will continue, perhaps more violently than in the past. And the Palestinians have no choice but to withstand their homeland and seek at the international level to engage significant countries such as China and Russia to create a kind of balance that may help relieve pressure on them.
Dr. Salim Nazzal, a Palestinian-Norwegian historian on the Middle East. He has written extensively on social and political issues in the region. Taken from Countercurrents.