Addressing a press briefing after the BJP released the video Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said, "If this sting video is genuine, CBI must arrest me within four days i.e by Monday otherwise accept that it is a fake video made on the directions of the PMO"
NEW DELHI —Â Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Thursday dared the BJP to arrest him if the sting operation video on the liquor scam is genuine or accept it to be a conspiracy by the Prime Minister’s Office.
Sisodia was addressing a press briefing after the BJP released the video this morning. “If this sting video is genuine, CBI must arrest me within four days i.e by Monday otherwise accept that it is a fake video made on the directions of the PMO”.
Investigate video
“I request the BJP to immediately go to the probe agency and produce this as evidence. The probe agency must investigate the video and arrest me immediately if there is any truth in the so-called sting, said Deputy CM to the media.
“Firstly, they got my house raided, and found nothing. Next, my locker was checked and there was nothing. Now they have come up with a so-called sting operation video”, Sisodia said.
BJP’s plan
Targetting BJP on the issue of landfills, he said that BJP has come up with a plan, which if implemented will be dangerous for the people of the national capital.
“There are three huge landfills in Delhi which reflect BJP’s performance in the past 17 years? Now there is a conspiracy to make 16 more such mountains. They have decided that 16 landfill sites will be built in Delhi. Those who couldn’t manage three landfill sites, are planning to build 16 more which will convert the capital city into a hell-like situation”, the senior AAP leader claimed. — IANS