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Qassim Tragedy Update: Pak Embassy Official and Legal Consultant visit Accident Site, Meet Contractor CEO

RIYADH – 10 expatriates lost their lives when formwork of an under construction building collapsed at AL Qassim University some 400km northwest of the Saudi capital.

The dead include 8 Pakistani and 1 Indian construction labors, including 1 Egyptian engineer.

Al-Qassim Emir Prince Faisal Bin Mishal inspected the site and closely followed the rescue operation. He has also constituted a high-level committee to probe into the accident, reported Saudi Gazette.

The accident occurred when the concrete mixture was pouring mortar on the steel support rods of the building, located in the northwestern side of the university’s main building, the report said.

The CEO of the contracting company while talking to Pakistan embassy official Syed Hammad Abid promised transparency in the investigation and assured full compensation to the bereaved families under the laws of the kingdom including insurance coverages contractors are mandated to carry on their projects.

According to reports, efforts are being made to recover 2 dead bodies out of the 8 Pakistani labors who were among those killed by the falling structural debris. 2 out of the 6 injured Pakistani labors have been released while the conditions of the 4 are improving.

Construction professionals familiar with such accidents attribute this one to formwork design failure or onsite safety protocol failure or combination of both.

The embassies of India, Pakistan and Egypt are said to be actively participating in the post-accident formalities including deputing it’s official on site to ensure all formalities are followed through both for the dead and for the injured.

According to Mr Ahmad Othaim, the Chief Executive of the Manazel Construction Company, two Pakistani workers are still missing. The Pakistani Ambassador Manzur ul Haq is said to be in constant touch with the CEO, who has assured full cooperation with the Embassy for the best possible treatment of the injured labors and expeditious dispatch of dead bodies to Pakistan, said Mr. Hammad Abid to MAMOSA Report and PKonweb.

Bandar Al-Roshodi, the university spokesman, told Saudi television news channel Al-Ekhbariya that the workers were mostly from Pakistan.

“Until now we are searching,” he later told a new agency. The trapped workers were of “different nationalities,” Roshodi said. Asked about the chances of more survivors, he said: “We have hope, God willing.” — MAMOSA Report

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