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Over 120 NEET Toppers Earn Govt’s Free MBBS Seats in Bengaluru

Falcon Group of Institutions celebrates success in NEET 2024 exams

Mohammad Alamullah | Clarion India

NEW DELHI – Over 120 students from Falcon Group of Institutions have secured free government MBBS seats after excelling in the NEET 2024 exams. The institution celebrated this significant achievement with a special event aimed at encouraging and recognising the hard work of these top performers.

Dr. Abdul Subhan, in charge of the institute, lauded the remarkable success of over 1,200 students who qualified for free MBBS seats under the government quota. “These results are a testament to the dedication and perseverance of our students. Their relentless effort has made their dreams a reality and set a high standard for future aspirants,” said Dr. Subhan.

One of the top performers highlighted the motivational weekly sessions conducted by Dr Subhan. “Dr. Subhan would rekindle our spirits with simple gestures like distributing chocolates. This small act of kindness was a constant reminder of the rewards of hard work,” the student said.

Another topper attributed his success to the unwavering support of his parents. “My parents were my pillars of strength. Their emotional and financial support was crucial in my journey towards achieving this milestone,” he said.

Reflecting on their experience at Falcon Institutions, a student noted the importance of the holistic education provided. “At Falcon, we don’t just acquire academic knowledge; we also learn valuable life lessons. This holistic approach has prepared us to face challenges with confidence and believe in our abilities,” the student remarked.

The event underscored the importance of hard work, dedication, and the support of educators and families in achieving academic success. The achievements of these NEET toppers stand as an inspiration for future generations of students aiming to pursue careers in medicine.

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