According to Saharanpur SSP Vipin Tada, the villagers suspected the labourers to be criminals and one of the villagers opened fire when they saw some people from outside were going through their village
Team Clarion
NEW DELHI – A 19-year-old Muslim labourer was shot dead on Wednesday night in Saharanpur when he, along with his friends, was returning from work. Two men Dharamveer and Ompar were arrested in the case.
When the deceased, Shahrukh, was going through Paroli village with his friends, a mob attacked them and opened fire. Shahrukh received the bullet. He was taken to a hospital where he died during treatment.
According to Shahrukh’s friends, Salman, Dilshad and Sameer, there were two persons who had opened fire. In the shooting, Sameer too received bullet injury while the rest saved their lives by running away from the spot. They said they shouted that they were labourers, but neither of them heard heed to them.
Shahrukh’s family members said that he was labeled a thief by the mob.
Recounting the incident, Shahrukh’s brother Dilshad told Maktoob Media, “My brother was a labourer who used to do the work of tying iron rods. He was returning from Miragpur village on Wednesday night. On his way, he found some people standing with weapons. They waylaid Shahrukh and his friends and started abusing them. One of them opened fire at them. There were two men who opened fire.”
According to Saharanpur SSP Vipin Tada, the villagers suspected the labourers to be criminals and one of the villagers opened fire when they saw some people from outside were going through their village.
The police have arrested two people – the one who opened fire and whose gun had been used in the firing.
“When the police was informed late at the late night, the police reached the spot and took cognizance of the incident,” he said.