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Mukul Roy’s Departure, Jitin’s Arrival, Both Expose BJP’s Desperation

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, Abhishek Banerjee and Mukul Roy at Trinamool Bhavan on Friday. — Photo: The Hindu

The panic in the Sangh Parivar rank and file after the West Bengal rout is getting reflected in the developments in UP which it wants to win by means

Soroor Ahmed | Clarion India

ONLY an outfit like the Bharatiya Janata Party can celebrate as a big achievement the arrival into its fold a man who is politically hanging by a thread. His biggest feat is that he had lost his deposit in the 2019 Lok Sabha poll.

The joining of the saffron party by a member of Group of 23 of the Congress dissidents, Jitin Prasada, who had also lost the 2017 Assembly and 2014 Lok Sabha elections as well, only exposed the desperation of the BJP after a crippling blow it received in West Bengal a few weeks back.

On paper the saffron party might have won 77 seats in West Bengal, but the party has in the process grown much weaker than when it had only three legislators before the state election.

The turmoil in the West Bengal unit of the BJP is so intense that Mukul Roy did not even wait for the two-thirds of MLAs to come together for the formal split in the legislative party. He re-joined the TMC on June 11, exactly 40 days after the historic May 2 verdict.

Rumours are already doing the rounds that almost half of the BJP MLAs want to make a home-coming to the Trinamool Congress. It is only its president Mamata Banerjee who is not so eager in opening the door for those ‘ghaddars’ (traitors) who left the TMC just before the poll and used foul language against her and the party during the campaign.

Perhaps never in the recent memory an opposition party which got 38 per cent votes and bagged about one-fourth seats be in such a disarray just a month after the election results. The panic in the Sangh Parivar rank and file after the West Bengal rout is getting reflected in the developments in Uttar Pradesh which it wants to win by anyway.

As storm is brewing up in the RSS over who should be held responsible for the West Bengal disaster, the BJP top brass has very astutely turned on the heat towards UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath, who got into trouble after the huge surge in corona virus which took the lives of thousands of people in no time.

As a strong section of Sangh Parivar means business and is not much impressed by distraction being caused by the BJP Central leadership, which swung into action and brought into the party fold a person who had vainly been gasping for his political survival.

And with friendly media in hand one can go to town with any type of claim of a big catch.

The truth is that the move to rope-in Jitin may prove another monumental blunder by the BJP as it did in West Bengal where it launched the election campaign as early as on November 4 night with the arrival of Union home minister Amit Shah to Kolkata. Just a fortnight later the then transport minister in Mamata cabinet, Suvendhu Adhikari, surely a much prominent face in West Bengal than Jitin in UP, quit the cabinet and a month later on December 20 joined the saffron party in the presence of Amit Shah.

While Suvendhu at least managed to defeat Mamata in Nandigram—his only achievement—he otherwise proved a catalyst for disaster.

Jitin is, on his own, not in a position to win his own seat. But suddenly a section of media started seeing him as a champion of Brahmins in his state.

Jitin has been hurriedly inducted into the BJP not to weaken the Congress high command—which otherwise is not too keen to yield much ground to G-23—but to cut to size the UP chief minister.

Jitin is, as highlighted, a Brahmin, whose roots can be traced to Shahjahanpur district and has been critical of Yogi over the mistreatment of his caste-men in the state.

As Yogi’s government has acquired the notoriety of being Thakur (Rajput) dominated, another political non-entity, a retired bureaucrat considered close to PM Modi and who belongs to Bhumihar caste, Arvind Kumar Sharma, has been parachuted into UP politics. All these moves have been taken as a part of larger strategy of clipping the wings of Yogi with worn-out and blunted scissors.

What the BJP top brass is not realising is that it is fast losing the cutting-edge quality.

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