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MTech Students of Aliah University Hole Up Teachers for 18 Hours

MTech students of Aliah University outside the meeting room of the university.

In a desperate move to make themselves heard the students of India’s only state-run-university detained teachers in the University Campus

Caravan News

KOLKATA — For 18 hours the University authories and over 25 faculty members of Aliah University, who had assembled at its New Town Campus to discuss Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT) were detained by its MTech students.

To protest the unlawful confinement the teachers suspended all classes last Friday.

The university registrar said that the students were venting out their anger as the university was unable to provide them the stipend for Teaching Assistantship. However, the agitating students alleged that the University had cheated them by enrolling them in the MTech course, which is yet be approved by AICTE.

Kazi Minazul Islam, a first year MTech student, said that , “Aliah University’s website maintains that its MTech course is AICTE approved. But in reality, the University is yet to get a letter of approval from AICTE. As a consequence we are unable to apply for GATE or any other type of scholarship. Also, they have failed to provide us with the promised stipend for Teaching Assistantship.”

Another student, on condition of anonymity stated, “It’s been six months since we have been protesting against the AICTE issue. But when no one paid heed to our pleas, we were forced to take this step.” He then added that, “Most MNCs hire MTech graduates, who have completed AICTE approved courses. Our career is at stake now, since the University can get an AICTE certification only in 2021.”

Speaking to Caravan Daily, Mukandar Sekh, assistant professor, Mechanical Engineering, who is one of the teachers who had been detained explained, “AICTE had goofed up and wrongly added AU’s name in the list of AICTE approved universities for MTech course. They have even admitted their mistake in a written letter. However, the departing VC Abu Taleb, without getting the facts checked had this information included in the website. The students do have a point, but they shouldn’t have done what they did. We teachers are not involved in this issue. The University doesn’t even have a VC to take care of such issues.”

The teachers, who had been confined, have even demanded that stern action be taken against the students who had staged a demonstration .

However, one of the faculty members on condition of anonymity stated that all the drama was nothing but a form of muscle-flexing. He said that “Soon a decision will be taken on the recruitment of the VC. This protest has been orchestrated by some people to pull the strings and have somone of their choice recruited as the Vice Chancellor.”

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