The Tories cannot be allowed to keep getting away with this. May pledged to tackle the “burning injustice” of racism when she became prime minister. If she is serious, then she must start by rooting out Islamophobia within her own party.

That means adopting the APPG definition of Islamophobia for both the Conservative party and the government. Secondly, it means giving a firm commitment to investigate properly all Conservative party members and politicians accused of Islamophobic incidents. And thirdly, it means launching an independent investigation into Islamophobia into her party and implementing its recommendations.

Racism, hatred and division of all types are sadly on the rise in Britain and across the world. These are dangerous times for all who care about diversity and tolerance. Everyone in public life has a responsibility to tackle it head on wherever we see it. I have never shirked this responsibility as mayor of London, loudly challenging all forms of racism — including the foul anti-semitism that has become all too common within the Labour party. It’s now time for the prime minister to do the same, and to take on the poisonous Islamophobia within her own ranks.

c. Gulf News