“A strong law and order is where the weakest of the weak can get justice. It is not that those seeking justice have to face this barbarity in place of justice, it is very painful, ” tweeted BJP MP Varun Gandhi
Team Clarion
NEW DELHI — A shocking video, showing an Uttar Pradesh Police official brutally thrashing a man holding a child in his arms in Kanpur Dehat’s Akbarpur area, has gone viral on social media triggering outrage.
The two videos circulated on social media are said to be from Kanpur Dehat showing several cops first beating a person and then a policeman is seen lashing baton repeatedly on him as he carries the child in his arm. People can be heard in the background, “the child may get hurt”. The baby can be seen crying in the video.
As the video went viral triggering outrage, the police came out with a statement saying ‘mild force’ was used.
The police, however, said that such behaviour by the police is not acceptable and ADG Zone Kanpur has been directed to investigate the matter and take appropriate action against the guilty policemen.
Police further said prima facie reports suggest a group of people were spreading lawlessness in the area, shutting down the outpatients’ department and misbehaving with the patients at the district hospital in Akbarpur.
जनपद कानपुर देहात में एक बच्चे को गोद में लिए हुए व्यक्ति पर पुलिस द्वारा लाठीचार्ज किये जाने के प्रकरण को अत्यंत गम्भीरता से लेते हुए @adgzonekanpur को प्रकरण की तत्काल जाँच करवाकर दोषी पुलिसकर्मियों के विरुद्ध कार्यवाही करने हेतु निर्देशित किया गया है।(1/2) pic.twitter.com/o4D0VMoHhU
— UP POLICE (@Uppolice) December 9, 2021
“When the police went to restore order at the request of the Chief Medical Superintendent, they were attacked, followed by the use of mild force, which however does not justify the insensitivity of the police,” the police statement said.
The video evoked angry reactions from people including disgruntled BJP leader Varun Gandhi who wrote in a tweet in Hindi, “A strong law and order is where the weakest of the weak can get justice. It is not that those seeking justice have to face this barbarity in place of justice, it is very painful. Strong law and order is that, where there is fear of law, Not the police.” He also shared the video of the incident.
सशक्त कानून व्यवस्था वो है जहां कमजोर से कमजोर व्यक्ति को न्याय मिल सके।
यह नहीं कि न्याय मांगने वालों को न्याय के स्थान पर इस बर्बरता का सामना करना पड़े,यह बहुत कष्टदायक है।भयभीत समाज कानून के राज का उदाहरण नहीं है।
सशक्त कानून व्यवस्था वो है जहां कानून का भय हो,पुलिस का नहीं। pic.twitter.com/xoseGpWzZH
— Varun Gandhi (@varungandhi80) December 10, 2021