Caravan Daily Correspondent
LONDON — Kashmir Voice International (KVI) has expressed its disappointment and frustration with India and Pakistan accusing the two countries of failing the Kashmiris and complicating a political issue.
A delegation of KVI has called upon the president of Pakistan-administered Kashmir Sardar Masood Ahmed Khan and expressed, “Its concern that since India and Pakistan have failed to implement the resolutions and agreements as such the only way forward is a negotiated settlement.”
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In a statement, the organization of Kashmiri diaspora said that it believes “peaceful environment and conditions should be created to give a stop to human rights violations and to start meaningful negotiations. To make negotiations successful, unlike the past, the stake holders should be prepared to minimize the differences and reach an achievable solution that reflects the aspirations of Kashmir people.”
The delegation included Prof. M A Raina (Chairman), Irshad Malik (Vice-Chairman), Javid Kakroo (Secretary) and Mohmmad Saleem (Spoke’s Person).
“The delegation brought to the notice of President the unsatisfactory condition of the Valley migrants living in AJK and requested for their rehabilitation,” KVI’s statement said.
“The delegation made it clear to the President that KVI is the only organization of real sufferers in United Kingdom who feel the pain of their people and project the real situation in which our people are caught.” The statement claimed.
“The delegation expressed that Kashmir is a purely a political issue and should be solved through political means. KVI is in disagreement with those who want to project it as a religious issue. It is appropriate to ascertain the views of different regions while exploring the solution for the problem.