
The Central government has decided to rush 3,600 additional paramilitary personnel to Kashmir. PTI Photo
The Central government has decided to rush 3,600 additional paramilitary personnel to Kashmir. PTI Photo

NEW DELHI —  Concerned over violence in Jammu and Kashmir in last four days, the Central government on Saturday decided to rush 3,600 additional paramilitary personnel to the Valley and asked the state government to ensure that there is no further loss of lives, reports PTI.

The decision to send more forces was taken at a high-level meeting in Delhi where situation in Jammu and Kashmir was discussed extensively.

Curfew-like restrictions continued in parts of Kashmir following killing of five people during violent protests since Tuesday.

The central government is concerned over the loss of human lives in Jammu and Kashmir, a Home Ministry spokesperson said.

Finance Secretary Ratan P Watal, who is holding the additional charge of Union Home Secretary, chaired the meeting which was attended by senior officials from Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Defence, Central Armed Police Forces and the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The meeting reviewed the prevailing situation in Kashmir Valley and assessed the requirements of Jammu and Kashmir government to bring the situation under control and ensure no further loss of lives, he said.

It was decided in the meeting to send additional central armed police forces to strengthen the security grid in the Kashmir Valley.

While 12 companies of paramilitary personnel were reaching the state on Saturday, 24 more companies will reach there today. One company of paramilitary comprises of about 100 personnel.

The Home Ministry is in regular touch with senior officials of Jammu and Kashmir and has been monitoring the situation on a regular basis. It has assured full cooperation and support to the state government to bring back normalcy.

Curfew-like restrictions were imposed in the Valley following death of three people during protests against alleged molestation of a girl by a soldier in Handwara town on Tuesday. Two other died later following police firing.

Saturday’s meeting also took stock of the development package announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to Kashmir in November 2015. The package is being expeditiously implemented for the overall development of Jammu and Kashmir, the spokesperson said.

The package is expected to generate employment for local youth and bring overall prosperity in the state, he said.–PTI

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