Iraq Shuts Down Al Jazeera Office in Baghdad for ‘Inciting Violence’


Al Jazeera English Channel staff prepare for the broadcast inside the news room in Doha, Qatar. AP file
Al Jazeera English Channel staff prepare for the broadcast inside the news room in Doha, Qatar. AP file

BAGHDAD (AFP) — The Iraqi authorities have shut down the Al-Jazeera channel’s Baghdad office, accusing the network of inciting violence and sectarianism.

Iraq’s Communications and Media Commission (CMC) sent the Al-Jazeera Media Network a letter informing it of a March 24 decision to withdraw the bureau’s license and close its office for one year.

The letter cited “your continuing violations and offenses and persistent media discourse instigating violence and sectarianism.”

The Doha-based news network, one of the largest in the region, said that it had not violated regulations or deviated from professional and objective coverage.

Al-Jazeera has repeatedly come under fire from the Iraqi authorities for coverage perceived as too friendly to Daesh group.

The network’s foreign staff were already unable to enter Iraq because the authorities had made it difficult for them to obtain visas, Iraqi bureau chief Walid Ibrahim said.

The CMC’s decision contradicts the Iraqi government’s “commitment to guarantee freedom of expression,” Al-Jazeera said.

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