Growing Madness of Islamophobia


Muslim American families take part in a parade.
Muslim American families take part in a parade.

Muslims have long replaced the Communists as America’s new rogues, the whipping boy, so to speak, and must be flogged persistently lest any American lost sight of the Muslim ‘terror.’

KARAMATULLAH K GHORI | Special to Caravan Daily

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he story of this 14 year old Muslim 9th grader arrested and handcuffed in a Texas school has already gone viral, world-wide. He was arrested on a frantic call from his school principal who thought the inventor-genius boy–who had made a clock in his home and wanted to flaunt his invention before his peers and teachers at school–was a terrorist and wanted to explode a bomb.

Much is being made of President Obama’s invitation to the young man to visit the White House as his guest. It’s nice of Obama and his gesture must be commended. But the president’s gesture doesn’t amount to much when it comes to substance. It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a festering, cancerous, wound. It doesn’t address the root cause of the problem bedeviling the American civil society since 9/11, if not from earlier.

Islamophobia is at the root of this malaise. Muslims have long replaced the Communists as America’s new rogues, the whipping boy, so to speak, and must be flogged persistently lest any American lost sight of the Muslim ‘terror.’ Twinned with America’s love for Zionism–which gives Israel the ‘right’ in their eyes to oppress its Palestinian quarries with impunity and without fear of any accountability — Islamophobia  has become a scourge. All Muslims are terrorists unless proven otherwise; the burden of proving their innocence is on the suspects, not on their accusers.

The 9th grader from Irving Ahmed with his family. Ahmed's school principal called in the cops when he brought to school his scientific experiment which looked like a ticking time bomb to the principal! Image: Dallas Evening News
The 9th grader from Irving Ahmed Mohamed with his family. Mohamed’s school principal called in the cops when he brought to school his scientific experiment which looked like a ticking time bomb to the principal! Image:  The Dallas Morning News

What we are witnessing is a strange new phenomenon, the like of which hasn’t been seen in recorded history before. There have been innumerable instances of empires controlling and manipulating colonies, off-shore. The most recent example was India, the jewel in the British empire. Little England, a pygmy in size compared to the sub-continent, exploited its prized possession to the hilt and looted it in a thousand different ways.

All Muslims are terrorists unless proven otherwise; the burden of proving their innocence is on the suspects, not on their accusers

But, here, we have a pygmy state, Israel, manipulating a giant like US, the only super-power of our age, as if it were a puppet on its string. Ask yourself the question, is there anyone in the US pantheon of power–anyone from the President down–who would dare to stick their neck out and loathe Israel, publicly, for its brutal occupation of Palestine? Look at the latest episode of the Israeli soldiers desecrating the Holy Al-Aqsa with their boots and firing tear-gas shells into the mosque to torture those praying there. What was  Washington’s reaction? It blandly appealed to ‘both sides’–the oppressor and the oppressed–to exercise restraint.

I’ve yet to come across any historian prepared to risk his reputation to hazard a guess as to what would be the ultimate denouement of this strange new historical phenomenon.

Clarion India - News, Views and Insights about Indian Muslims, Dalits, Minorities, Women and Other Marginalised and Dispossessed Communities.

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