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Delhi Meat Traders Accuse MCD of Deception Over Licensing Policy

Traders warn of massive protest if their grievances are not addressed forthwith

Mohammad Alamullah | Clarion India

NEW DELHI – Meat traders in the national capital have accused the mayor and deputy mayor of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) of deceiving them regarding a new licensing policy. They claim that despite the policy being amended, it remains unapproved by the commissioner, causing ongoing difficulties for traders.

At a press conference here on Thursday, the Delhi Meat Merchant Association expressed its frustration over the futile five-month efforts to resolve the issue with MCD officials. “We’ve been going around the offices of the mayor, deputy mayor, and the commissioner but all efforts remain futile,” said a representative of the association. “If our grievances are continuously ignored, we will be forced to launch a massive protest,” he said.

The traders said their problems escalated after the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) came to power. They argued that the licensing policy developed under the BJP government in 2011 was more favourable. “The new policy has only added to our woes,” the spokesperson added.

In October, the MCD approved a new licensing policy for meat shops to standardise license fees and maintain a minimum distance of 150 metres between meat shops and religious places. This policy faced opposition from city meat traders, who feared it would negatively impact many of them.

“The current administration has not addressed our concerns adequately,” said one trader. “The previous policies were much better for us,” he said.

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