Daily Israeli State Terrorism


Palestinian doctors check the body of Saji Sayel Darwish, a Palestinian youth who was shot dead by Israeli forces on a road near the West Bank administrative capital Ramallah, at a hospital. AFP PHOTO / ABBAS MOMANI

Stephen Lendman

Israel is one of the world’s most ruthless rogue states, run by racists and fascists – a phantom democracy, one in name only.

It’s waging daily war on Palestine, brutalizing an entire population, breaching all international laws mattering most – especially the right to life and personal freedoms.

Thousands of Palestinian men, women and young children languish in Israel’s gulag – entirely for political reasons, automatically guilty by accusation with virtually no right of appeal.

On July 31, witnesses said three unidentified Israeli settlers set the Dawabsha family home ablaze – killing husband and wife Saad and Riham as well as their 18-month-old infant Ali.

Four-year-old Ahmed alone survived, still hospitalized in intensive care with third-degree burns, continuing his painfully slow recovery.

In early September, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon admitted knowing names of responsibly assailants. He refused to arrest them on grounds of “protect(ing) the identity” of alleged intelligence sources, a ruse endorsing cold-blooded murder.

In early December, two suspects were detained, days later released instead of holding them accountable along with a third perpetrator.

On Tuesday, Ya’alon lied, claiming “not enough” evidence to hold them. It’s been three-and-a-half months since the incident – loads of time to interview witnesses and build airtight cases against the responsible parties.

No just societies would allow a crime this heinous to go unpunished. Israel apparently intends letting cold-blooded killers get off scot-free – while waging daily terror war on Palestine, extrajudicially executing defenseless civilians.

Yesterday, Ya’alon also declared war on Breaking the Silence – an organization of former Israeli combat veterans since the start of the September 2000 second Intifada.

They’ve exposed horrific war crimes Israeli wants suppressed, including mass slaughter and destruction without just cause.

No Israeli commander, high-ranking officer or government officials were ever prosecuted and convicted for the highest of high crimes – genocidal war on Palestine, waged intermittently at Israel’s discretion, ongoing daily now since October 1.

Ya’alon banned Breaking the Silence members “from participating in any official activities with Israeli forces,” according to Maan News, citing Israeli media.

He lied, accusing its courageous, forthright members of spreading ‘false propaganda (to) delegitimize” the IDF. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak disgracefully called it “the most moral army in the world.”

It’s one of the world’s most ruthless and vicious, now extrajudicially executing defenseless Palestinians daily in cold blood – high crimes demanding accountability not forthcoming.

Breaking the Silence said it’s been viciously attacked in recent months by “a premeditated (vilification) campaign.”

Fascists infesting Israel want their members silenced, including regime members, other hardline MKs, as well as dubious public figures and organizations.

Heated debate followed the brief detention (then release) of an Israeli soldier on entering Britain days earlier, identified as responsible for involvement in war crimes during Israel’s summer 2014 Gaza aggression.

Pro-Palestinian groups worldwide collected names of soldiers involved in Israel’s well-planned, premeditated 51-day war without mercy – massacring or injuring thousands of Palestinian civilians, defenseless against its onslaught, a willful scheme to ravage Gaza, much of the Strip remaining in rubble nearly 16 months after conflict ended, almost nothing rebuilt.

Netanyahu, his ministers, and likeminded Knesset members want nothing interfering with their ruthless agenda – genocidal war on Palestine with no letup, world leaders supporting what demands action to stop.


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