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Choksi (Vigilance) — Badri Raina

BADRI RAINA | Caravan Daily

The Bank was observing choksi, so

Knowing when the Chowkidar

Would turn his back,

A wink went to good friend, Nirav,

Who walked in to pick up the sack.

His subsequent stop was Davos where

Among the most chosen few

He was seen next to you know who.

A further wink from vigilant eye

Turned Nirav from citizen to NRI.

Mehul bhai, uncle, was smarter still,

Being first-named in House Number

One even as he had both hands

In the so obliging till.

The man who famously alerted

The Republic to a one lakh, seventy

Thousand crore scam — which was not —

Seems absconding more than the looters,

Although in charge of banking matters.

The FM and the PM have not been

Heard; they are busy as you might

Guess in ridding the country of the Congress.


The hoi polloi may be excused for

Wondering, all things considered, had

Not the blundering Congress but

The Vikas-wielding “nationalists”

Ruled India for sixty years, what

Might have been the state of affairs—

Speculation indeed too deep for tears.


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