Celebrating Prince of Peace as Holy Land Burns


Paul Edwards

Our Christmas will not be merry this year, at least for those many Americans whose consciousness operates outside the Amazon/Neflix/Charley Brown nexus.  It will be impossible for them to blot out awareness of the wholesale murder Israel is inflicting on the Palestinian people, one of whose sons’ births we claim to honor, who was later crucified by Romans in his homeland that was suffering even then, but under a far less brutal colonial empire.

The genocide of Palestinians that Israel is committing as the paralyzed world looks on, wringing its hands, is far beyond the sacrifice of one man, holy or otherwise.  It is the crucifixion of an entire people.  When Jesus died, a sizable crowd was watching, most in tacit approval.  As the tens of thousands of Palestinians, many women and children, are slaughtered by a Nazi Zionist Wehrmacht, that whole nation of sick, degenerate, dehumanized monsters sings and dances and joyously applauds.  Zionism has indoctrinated its own children in its hideous, satanic perversity, and some perform for cameras in joyous celebration of agony and death, giddily ignorant of what they are doing to themselves.

Zionism was a vicious, latter day colonial program long before it was installed in an Israel built on theft, rape and murder in 1948.  From its bloody inception there was never any fate envisioned by its leaders for the resident Palestinians but displacement, abuse, domination and elimination.  It is in their books, their memoirs, their histories, and is incontestable.  Implicit, but denounced and denied, was the fact that the utter subjugation of a people can only be carried out if that people is completely destroyed.  

America could only impose its absolute dominion over the native people of the continent it violently possessed, by annihilating that entire population and destroying its cultural coherence.  It did this, chiefly with superior weaponry, utilizing alcohol, disease, treachery, and bogus “law”.  Parenthetically, though not realized at the time, that rape was the basis for its current “ rules-based order” horseshit, the moldy chestnut The Empire still tries to feed to a world that laughs at it now.

The evil Zionist Israel is doing is not original or new and follows precedent.  The problem is that the era is long gone when human beings could be murdered and eradicated offhandedly, as in the heyday of Euro Colonialism when America stole its continent, and that at this stage making great pyramids of human skulls, in the manner of Genghiz Khan, is recognized as an inhuman horror.  

In addition to the sickening barbarism of its genocidal program, Zionist Israel, dragging its horrors out for weeks and months, has undercut its indiscriminate mass murder program by showing clearly that its girly-boy IDF, so tough when abusing poor women and children, is not the lethal Waffen SS it was cracked up to be.  They can’t get their killing done and now they’re being shamed.

Well, so it goes, as Vonnegut said.  Quite apart from what the Zionists hope to do to pull their nuts out of the fire, is the much larger question to be answered when the end comes, however it may be, and that is what the world will decide to do with them.  Because Zionist Israel won’t be able—and won’t be allowed—to go on as it has.  By this monstrous exhibition of its vicious character it revoked its membership in the world community.

Zionism has always exploited the grisly, bloodthirsty mythology of the Torah for its odious purposes, though it has no connection to Judaism in practice, and devout Jews anathematize it and pray openly for its destruction.  Netanyahu, its criminal fuhrer figure, cites the Torah’s ghastly fairy tales as justification for his regime’s mass murder, as his predecessors did for their war of conquest on Palestinians but ancient fairy tales won’t sell it now.

The central myths of all three major western religions originated and evolved in what has long been known as The Holy Land, much of it contained in current Israel.  These religions, widely diverse in specific tenets and doctrines, have histories that are intertwined and parallel in that land of their genesis.  

Each has a complex, elaborate dogma invented and ramified over centuries that marks it as exclusive and unique.  What is true and not surprising is that, at their ethical centers, they have everything in common, because all religions at their cores are pure distillations of human ethics.  They inculcate identical moral precepts, and this undeniable bedrock unity renders the vast webs of ancient, arcane, abstruse, metaphysical embroidery within which each is deeply cocooned, marginal and irrelevant.

The single, irrefutable imperative, the grain of sand around which all religions accrete the spiritual pearls of their creeds is starkly simple: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Zionist Israel has profaned and defiled Jewish religion.  Insofar as belief in Yahweh—Jehovah—exists, Zionist Nazis have offended and betrayed their god.  But beyond religious mythology, where the painfully assembled structure of Mankind’s ethical code maintains a frail, vulnerable existence in an indifferent universe, Israel’s genocide stands condemned by all humanity.  It is in this arena that Zionist Israel will be condemned, not in the world of etherial fantasies but on earth, with practical consequences. 

That condemnation will fall likewise on the diseased, disgraced United States which, in its sclerotic, moribund senescence, has abandoned its own pathetic military goon show to act as the profiteering financier of proxy forces, in Ukraine and in Israel.  Americans in the main are fine with this since no religious scruple troubles them, Christianity in this country having long since been reduced to an empty farce, to gutless, social symbolism and a political conduit for delivering cowardice, prejudice and hate.

For us to dare to celebrate a Prince of Peace is obscene hypocrisy.



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