
Lost in the Wonderland of Emirates Literature Fest – Rabia Alavi

It was a feast for mind, senses and intellect and truly a thrilling experience to be in the midst of some of the most...

The Fallacy of Rising Anti-Semitism – Uri Avnery

The outrages in Paris and Copenhagen have nothing to do with anti-Semitism URI AVNERY Anti-Semitism is on the rise. All over Europe it is raising its ugly...

Buddha Was Also a Son of Pakistan – Shazia Rafi

Today in the region of ‘Gandhara’, Gandhara itself is missing from school curricula while museums and archaeological sites have been looted, their contents ending...

A New Axis of Resistance? – Ramzy Baroud

A besieged and desperate Hamas is once again looking to strengthen relations with Iran and Hezbollah RAMZY BAROUD Despite its success of rebelling Israeli military advances...

Obama’s Indian Safari: Why’re Pakistanis So Worked Up? – Karamatullah Ghori

Obama is doing what any pragmatist leader in his place would do. Pakistanis may think he’s ignoring or shunning them but that doesn’t change...
