
Israeli Leadership Reduced to Chickenshit? – Uri Avnery

Benjamin Netanyahu is no fool. He grew up in the United States and is considered smart and intelligent. So what is he doing to have...

The Price of Papal Popularity – Patrick Buchanan

The Catholic Church is not the Democratic Party where principled positions on abortion, homosexuality and same-sex marriage “evolve.” And since when did flexibility in...

Why UK’s Vote on Palestine Is a Non-Starter – Ramzy Baroud

RAMZY BAROUD It would be intellectually dishonest to reflect on the British House of Commons’ vote of October 13 on a Palestinian state without digging...

The Dilemma of No Control – Rahul Sharma

Now is the time for some deft diplomacy from India to push for a de-escalation from both sides as maintaining the ceasefire matters more...

Noose Tightens Around Israel – John Whitbeck

One and only one road to peace with some measure of justice in Israel and Palestine exists. It is open. It remains to be...
