
A Wedding and Many Funerals

Jawed Naqvi IT’S a challenging proposition at the best of times to trust Narendra Modi by what he promises to do for anyone. A problem...

Reckless Use of Social Media by Muslims Ruinous for the Community

Incidents highlight the need for caution among Muslim youth on social media platforms. Mohammad Alamullah | Clarion India NEW DELHI — Reckless posts by Muslims on social...

The Old Evil

I returned to occupied Palestine, from where I had reported for The New York Times, after two decades. I experienced once more the visceral...

War on Palestine: Western Leaders Destroying Humanity

Mahboob A. Khawaja, Western Leaders Forge Animosities but Seek Peace Is NATO celebrating its 75th year of existence or averting its failure with new challenges to...

‘Wishful Thinking’ – Does Israel Have All the Cards in Gaza?

Netanyahu does not seem to have an actual plan for Gaza, neither for now nor after the war. So, he prolongs the war despite...


