Gwynne Dyer

Trump, WikiLeaks and Russia

US intelligence agencies are probably right to blame their Russian counterparts for the hacks that caused the Clinton campaign such problems. President Vladimir Putin...

Why Netanyahu is Hopping Mad Over UN Resolution on Israeli Occupation

The UN resolution this past week is only words, of course, but they are words that have not found their way into any UN...

President Donald Trump is a Small But Distinct Possibility

There is no real Donald Trump, in terms of policies and principles. He will do anything and say anything to get what he wants...

Obama in Cuba and Why It’s Not End of the Revolution – Gwynne Dyer

Up to three million American visitors a year are expected now that the US ban on travel to Cuba has been lifted, which will...

Trump Versus Clinton Versus Who?

Both the Republican and Democratic Parties are facing a mutiny among their traditional supporters this year. A presidential race between Donald Trump and Bernie Saunders...
