North Carolina Attack: Did Anyone Say Terror? – Aijaz Zaka Syed

Comparisons are odious. But if all lives are equal in the eyes of the world, why do we not see the same global outrage...

Palestinians Between a Rock and a Hard Place

by Stephen Lendman On the one hand, Palestinian face racist Israeli persecution. On the other, their own so-called government abuses them horrifically. They remain isolated on...

Egypt Confirms Mass Death Sentence of 183 People

AFP CAIRO — An Egyptian court Monday confirmed death sentences against 183 men convicted of killing 13 policemen, in a verdict slammed as “outrageous” by...

First Women Only Mosque in America

The women’s mosque is an idea that all those who believe in the divine wisdom of creating both men and women with dignity and...

He Came, He Saw, He Advised – Badri Raina

Just when the visit was going so swimmingly saffron, imagine what this Obama fellow, during an address to India’s aspirating youth, chose to do:...
