An Election Like No Other in Kashmir – Badri Raina

Is it possible that Kashmiris are now willing to jettison the “special status”, not to speak of the goal of “azadi” for a ‘strong’...

Forgotten Grief, Embraced Chauvinism – Anuradha Bhasin Jamwal

Caught amid the traditional politicking and hostility of two nuclear countries, not just for the border villagers on either side but the entire population of the...

Letter to Nehru: You Do Not Belong Here Anymore – Badri Raina

This is not a land you belong in anymore, Chacha. How desperately this land needs that scientific temper you never tired of advocating. What...

Israel Eases Al Aqsa Curbs; Settlers Set West Bank Mosque Ablaze

By Steve Weizman JERUSALEM (AFP) – Israel eased restrictions at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque on Friday after US Secretary of State John Kerry announced an agreement...

Al Aqsa Under Attack – Ramzy Baroud

Caught between Israeli annexation plans, raids of Jewish extremists, international silence and a history of bloodshed, al-Aqsa is facing difficult days ahead, as indeed are the people...


