BJP Leader Gives in to Pressure, Cancels Daughter’s Wedding to Muslim Man


Hindutva outfits burnt the effigy of BJP leader Benam in protest against his daughter marrying a Muslim man.

NEW DELHI — Under pressure from Hindutva outfits, senior Uttarakhand BJP leader Yashpal Benam has cancelled the marriage of his daughter to a Muslim man, which was scheduled to be held on May 28, reports PTI.

Talking to reporters on Saturday in Pauri, BJP leader and the bride’s father and Pauri municipal chairman Benam, said he thought of getting his daughter married to a Muslim youth for her happiness. But in view of the way social media users reacted to the proposed marriage, it has been postponed, he said.

“Now I have to listen to the voice of the public as well,” PTI quoted Benam as saying.

The wedding to be held on May 28 in Pauri city has now been cancelled, he said.

Hindutva outfits on Friday at Jhanda Chawk burnt the effigy of BJP leader Benam in protest against his daughter marrying a Muslim man.

The Vishva Hindu Parishad, Bhairav Sena, and Bajrang Dal took part in the protest.

“We strongly oppose such a marriage,” the working president of district VHP Dipak Gaud had said.

A photo of the wedding card of the BJP leader’s daughter turned up on social media on Thursday.

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