AAP's state in-charge Sanjay Singh said that the party, which had performed better in western Uttar Pradesh and Rohilkhand, will now work towards strengthening the organisation for the Lok Sabha polls next year.
LUCKNOW — Elated by its success in the recent civic polls, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has begun further strengthening its organisation in Uttar Pradesh.
AAP’s state in-charge Sanjay Singh said that the party, which had performed better in western Uttar Pradesh and Rohilkhand, will now work towards strengthening the organisation for the Lok Sabha polls next year.
Singh will now undertake a 40-day tour of the state from June 5, visiting each district to hold meetings, lay out the party’s future plans and assess AAP’s position in each area.
Singh said that the party’s eight regional presidents will visit all the eight to 12 districts allotted to them from May 23 to June 3.
He said that the regional presidents have been tasked with the work of appointing ward presidents under a specified criteria.
For instance, those who contested nagar panchayat elections and received 50 votes from any ward will be made the president of that ward. Similarly, if one who contested nagar panchayat chairperson elections and received 200 votes or more, he or she will be made president of that panchayat.
For nagar palika, if the candidate received 500 or more votes and for mahanagar adhyaksh if the candidate received 5,000 or more votes in nagar nigam, then they will be appointed presidents.
He said that the policy of popularising the party’s Delhi model of governance had paid rich dividends and AAP would follow the same policy in the Lok Sabha polls. — IANS