Congress Leader Muhammad Ali Shabbir Criticizes BJP’s Rhetoric on Muslim Reservation, Warns of Legal Action


The matter of reservation to muslims is subjudice and the public commentary by BJP leaders around this will compel us to approach the Supreme Court, Shabbir said

Team Clarion 

HYDERABAD  During a press conference held at Gandhi Bhavan in Hyderabad, Muhammad Ali Shabbir, a prominent leader of the Congress party, while criticizing the BJP leaders for discussing reservation for Muslims in their speeches, voiced apprehensions regarding the matter, which is currently sub judice.

“Reservation for Muslims is a matter of educational and economic backwardness,” said Shabbir, “It is not permissible for anyone to publicly address this matter, yet BJP leaders persist in their attempts to elucidate it to the public.”

Shabbir pointed out recent remarks by Union Home Minister Amit Shah during municipal elections, advocating for the abolition of Muslim reservations. “A petition will be filed against him in the Supreme Court,” Shabbir said, questioning the legality of discussing a matter under judicial review.

In response to a notice issued by the Advocate General of the Supreme Court to Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister’s legal representative denied Shah’s alleged statements, prompting further criticism from Shabbir. “Prime Minister Narendra Modi, holding a constitutional position, continues to make objectionable remarks about ending Muslim reservations, tarnishing his office,” Shabbir admonished.

Issuing a stern warning to Modi, Shabbir cautioned against any future statements regarding the scrapping of Muslim reservations. “Any such remarks will compel us to approach the Supreme Court once again,” he affirmed.

Addressing queries about potential complaints to the Central Election Commission, Shabbir emphasised the authority of the Supreme Court in adjudicating matters of national importance. “While the issue remains sub judice, the Supreme Court holds greater jurisdiction than the Central Election Commission,” he clarified.

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