US Lawmakers Urge Biden to Withhold Recognition of New Pakistan Government For the Sake of Democracy


The letter, cosigned by over thirty US lawmakers urged Biden to withhold recognition of a new government until probed thoroughly

Clarion India

Several US lawmakers have asked President Joe Biden to withhold recognition of the new government in Pakistan until allegations of election rigging are probed. The call comes in response to concerns raised over the recent polls in Pakistan, marked by incidents of mobile internet shutdowns, violence, and unusually delayed results.

The United States, Britain, and the European Union have raised concerns regarding reported election irregularities and have called for a comprehensive investigation. Congressman Greg Casar emphasised the importance of ensuring that the election results reflect the will of the people.

“The results of Pakistan’s election should represent the will of the people. For the sake of democracy and all Pakistanis, we are calling on the Biden Administration to withhold recognition of a new government until an investigation determines the election was not rigged,” Congressman Greg Casar wrote on X.

Pakistan’s National Assembly swore in newly elected members of parliament on Thursday in a chaotic scene as allies of imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan shouted and protested what they claim was a rigged election. Lawmakers from Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party repeatedly chanted “Vote-thief!” as Shehbaz Sharif, who’s expected to form the next government, entered the parliament on Thursday with his brother Nawaz Sharif.

The letter, cosigned by over thirty US lawmakers dated Wednesday, urged Biden and Blinken to withhold recognition of a new government in Pakistan until a thorough, transparent, and credible investigation of election interference has been conducted.” It asked them to “urge Pakistani authorities to release anyone who has been detained for engaging in political speech or activity, and task State Department officials in Pakistan with gathering information about such cases and advocating for their release.”

The letter also urged Biden and Blinken to make clear to Pakistani authorities that Washington could use the leverage for military and other cooperation to be halted if relevant steps were not taken. The letter signed by Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives was led by Representatives Greg Casar and Susan Wild. The signatories included Representatives Ro Khanna, Jamie Raskin, Cori Bush and Barbara Lee.

Courtesy: News18

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