Who’ll Stop Israel’s Ruthless Terminators?


Palestinian doctors check the body of Saji Sayel Darwish, a Palestinian youth who was shot dead by Israeli forces on a road near the West Bank administrative capital Ramallah, at a hospital. AFP PHOTO / ABBAS MOMANI
Palestinian doctors check the body of Saji Sayel Darwish, a Palestinian youth who was shot dead by Israeli forces on a road near the West Bank administrative capital Ramallah, at a hospital. AFP PHOTO/ABBAS MOMANI

STEPHEN LENDMAN | Special to Caravan Daily

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]ctor, former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger gained US film fame as Hollywood’s “Terminator,” followed by a television series, comic books, novels, and recognition by the Library of Congress as “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” filmography.

Schwarzenegger’s role was fictional. Israel has the real thing. On November 5, the Jewish Press (JP) headlined “Meet the Terminator: IDF Soldier Killed 3 Terrorists in 2 Weeks,” identifying him as “Cpl. T” – “serving in the Shimshon Battalion of the Kfir Brigade.”

Palestinians are shamelessly called knife-wielding terrorists. Killer soldiers, police and extremist settlers are national heroes. Cold blood murder is considered self-defense.

Cpl. T has blood on his hands at least thrice, justifying murder by claiming he foiled stabbing attempts – the pre-scripted IDF explanation, justifying all killings of Palestinians, including young children and women, eyewitness and video evidence often refuting official Israeli accounts.

According to JP, “Kfir Brigade officers commended the rapid response and cool temper of the warrior, who prevented more serious results.”

“(H)e is a young warrior, who’s only been in uniform a total of eight months, only two of those in operational duty…(It) did not affect his focused and precise actions in both cases. The Shimshon Battalion to which he belongs has been dealing over the past month with many of the attacks in the Etzion area, north of Hebron.”

YNet News praised his “alert and accurate response,” calling it “impressive,” showing Palestinian lives and welfare don’t matter, terrorized under the boot of a ruthless occupier.

Soldiers during training are taught to hate Arabs. Killing them extrajudicially is OK, eliciting praise and promotions, not condemnation and punishment.

Israel’s “shoot to kill” policy leaves all Palestinians vulnerable. They’re gunned down in cold blood, extrajudicially assassinated. On Friday, a Palestinian woman threatening no one was lethally shot 50 times with live fire.

Israeli authorities claimed she tried running over Israeli soldiers with her car. Yet none were reported injured, not even a scratch.

New Arab World for Research and Development Center (Awrad) poll results show Palestinian support for a new intifada rose from 26% in July to 63% currently. Millions are justifiably enraged over ongoing Israeli state-sponsored terrorism, affecting the entire population.

Palestinian deaths, injuries and mass arrests keep rising daily, an entire population being collectively punished, blamed for Israel’s high crimes.

On Thursday, Hebron youth Malek Talal Sharif was lethally shot multiple times with live fire, another phony stabbing attempt claimed – 77 Palestinian deaths so far sinceOctober 1, many thousands injured and/or arrested, including around 500 children.

On Thursday, the hardline Israeli news site Arutz Sheva removed a main page posted children’s game titled “Neutralize the Terrorist,” urging them to “assist security forces in neutralizing the terrorists that are attacking us…Help the IDF win.”

Separately, Youths Against Settlements (YAS) activist Mohammed Zoghour remains isolated in detention, arbitrarily arrested last week after demanding Israel return bodies of slain Palestinians.

He’s denied outside contacts, including access to counsel. No information was released on why he’s held, nothing about his certain brutal interrogation.

A YAS statement said it’s “deeply concerned about the illegitimate and arbitrary arrest of Mohammed Zoghour, his transfer to the secret service interrogation center in Israel, the denial of contact to his lawyer, and thereby the denial of a fair and legitimate trial.”

“The arrest of Mohammed Zoghour comes in the midst of a wave of unjustifiable disproportionate repression of Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory.”

“Over the past weeks, Israeli forces have arbitrarily arrested thousands of Palestinians for exercising their legitimate right to take part in the popular struggle against the military occupation…Israeli provocations at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and settler violence.”

YAS called for his immediate release. Israel may want him administratively detained uncharged and untried indefinitely – commonplace police state practice.

A Final Comment

On Thursday, political prisoner Muhammad Allan was released at last, following a year’s detention uncharged and untried. His two month hunger strike for justice nearly killed him.

At a homecoming welcome, he said: “Thank God who favored us with what we asked for. Thank God who brought us out of these dark prisons.”

He’s a marked man despite gaining worldwide attention and support – as vulnerable as before, subject to rearrest any time Israel chooses to target him unjustly again.

Clarion India - News, Views and Insights about Indian Muslims, Dalits, Minorities, Women and Other Marginalised and Dispossessed Communities.

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