Genocide Advocate Danon Appointed Israel’s UN Envoy


Danny Danon speaks at a rally in 2010. Once a back-bencher, Danon is now ninth on the Likud list, putting him within reach of leadership. Photo by Gili Yaari/Flash90
Likudnik Danny Danon speaks at a rally in 2010. Once a back-bencher, Danon is now ninth on the Likud list, putting him within reach of leadership. Photo by Gili Yaari/Flash90

Likudnik Danny Danon is a notorious racist – an outspoken opponent of Palestinian self-determination. Netanyahu sacked him last summer as deputy defense minister for calling Operation Protective Edge too soft on Gaza. He urged greater genocide than than already inflicted

STEPHEN LENDMAN | Special to Caravan Daily

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]srael is run by a fanatical criminal gang of lunatics – genocidists wanting greater Israel for Jews alone, Arabs entirely eliminated from areas they want ethnically pure.

It’s permanently at war with Palestine, terrorizing defenseless civilians, mass slaughtering them at its discretion, brutalizing children like adults, attacking Palestinian fishermen a reported 1312 times since Operation Protective Edge ended last August.

Likudnik Danny Danon is a notorious racist – an outspoken opponent of Palestinian self-determination. Netanyahu sacked him last summer as deputy defense minister for calling Operation Protective Edge too soft on Gaza.

He urged greater genocide than than already inflicted. “We should have given the order to the army to clean up Gaza,” he said. Form your own judgment on what he meant.

He issued a statement rejecting ceasefire, claiming “Hamas is once again setting conditions for us. We must not be humiliated.”

“We must correct the mistake of the cabinet decision (for ceasefire) and allow the army to do what it must” – urging full-scale ground invasion, increased terror bombing, inflicting far greater mass casualties, mainly affecting noncombatant men, women and children.

“The campaign continues, and with Hamas we must speak in a language it understands,” Danon blustered. He wants Palestine’s legitimate Hamas government entirely eliminated.

He thinks Netanyahu isn’t ruthless enough. He’s one of many ugly Israeli regime faces – an apartheid state far worse than South Africa, with lunatics like Danon still around.

Netanyahu appointed him UN envoy – the equivalent of Hitler giving Adolph Eichmann the job had the world body existed at the time.

He currently serves as Science, Technology and Space minister. He formally was deputy Knesset speaker. In a 2011 Al Jazeera interview he said “(t)here is place only for one state on the land of Israel…I do not believe in a two-state solution.”

He sought Likud leadership last year. He was the only party member challenging Netanyahu – unsuccessfully. He retained his Knesset seat in March parliamentary elections. He wants war, not peace.

He chairs the Likud Central Committee and World Likud. As UN envoy, he’ll have a world stage to promote his racist hate. Netanyahu’s office issued a statement saying he’s “been dealing with public diplomacy and international relations for over two decades.”

He wants all valued West Bank territory annexed to Israel – forcefully displacing Palestinians from their own land. He believes Israel erred in not doing it in 1967. “But it’s not too late,” he says.

He claims a divine right to what international law prohibits, blustering “(w)hen you win the war, you don’t make compromises after that. It doesn’t work like that.”

“We won the war. They can’t go back now and say, ‘(w)ell, (when the UN partitioned Palestine in 1947) the intention was different. “The fact is that they lost. That’s part of life. We should retain what we won in the war.”

In 1947-48, it was genocidal slaughter and displacement. In 1967, it was a 6-day walkover for the remaining Palestinian territory Israel didn’t steal earlier, including East Jerusalem.

The difference between Danon and other Israeli hardliners is he’s more vocal about what they all support.

In November 2013, the pro-Israeli New Republic called him the “the (over-the-top neocon Republican) Ted Cruz of Israel.” He “driv(es) just about everyone…crazy.”

At the time, he said if there’s ever a UN vote for Palestinian self-determination, “it will be (for) a Facebook state.”

“(I)t will not change the lives of the Israelis, the Jewish pioneers who live in the hills of Judea and Samaria.” He supports an ethnically pure Israel the way Hitler wanted Germany for Aryans alone.

Earlier he proposed forcing Israel’s 20% population to “declare (their) loyalty to the State of Israel as a Jewish Zionist and democratic state, and solemnly swear to maintain its values and not engage in illegal acts against it or against any of its institutions” – as a condition for obtaining an ID card required to be carried at all times by Israelis aged 16 or older, and displayed on demand by security forces.

Danon and likeminded ideologues want Palestinians stripped of all rights ahead of eliminating them from all valued parts of Judea and Samaria – everywhere except Israeli controlled isolated/ghettoized bantustans, their idea of a final solution.

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